Summary: A significant contribution of ideas about how to improve capital efficiency in startups and more deeply engage employees and customers to create tighter learning and feedback loops.
Intended Audience: Entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs-at-heart. And anyone interested in helping their organization learn faster. And probably you.
Summary: An anecdotal and scientific investigation into whether initial impressions are helpful or hindering. Packed with examples, it includes tips on when to recognize which situation is which.
Intended Audience: Anyone who has every had a gut feeling that they should read this book
One of the things that I love about attending Agile 2011 is the rapid-fire exposure to new ideas. In particular, I usually get enough book ideas to fill up my reading list for a good part of the next year. This year, I am certain I will not get to all of these.
Summary: An investigation into the conditions that lead to successful individuals and why traditional assumptions about intelligence, personality, and effort are only a part of the picture.
Intended Audience: Widely accessible book for those curious about why some are successful and some are not
Summary: A compendium of short discussions on what you will encounter in an early-stage startup and advice that can help you to handle these situations.
Intended Audience: Anyone involved in startups that is looking for guidance or new ideas
Summary: A wealth of explanations, techniques, and tips for building and leading agile teams so that you can effectively solve complex and complicated problems in your organization and for your customers
Intended Audience: Agile managers and leaders and those who want these responsibilities
Summary: A discussion of the results of a number of surprising experiments from the fields of economics and psychology on how people act and make decisions. This book helps to explain a lot of choices that you see or make in day-to-day life that don’t seem to be the right thing to do.
Intended Audience: Of general interest as an accessible introduction to behavioural economics
Summary: Traditional management practices are failing to create value in the new economy and a new way of managing and leading in the workplace is needed to foster innovation
Intended Audience: Influencers in both old and new organizations